No matter if you have a small space or a large
space let’s talk about how you can grow a garden to help feed your family, and
possibly your neighbors. One of my favorite gardening methods is square foot
gardening. Basically, you take a square foot of space in your garden bed and
maximize it to produce multiple items, grow more food with less space. Square
foot gardening can be paired well with companion planting for the best yields.
In case you were wondering, there is a book you can purchase as well as take a
course to learn more, check out the following website:
What if you live in an apartment or condo with
just a balcony. No worries you can grow your favorites in containers. Make your
outdoor space look amazing with beautiful containers and fresh produce. The
drawback might be that you are limited to what you can grow but again companion
planting can help add variety within your small space. You might have to water
more as well since raised beds and containers tend to dry out faster.
For larger space you can utilize direct sow or
raised beds. We always liked raised beds for their function and ability to
reduce the amount of bending over we have to do when working the garden. Either
way I think that making sure your paths are well tended helps to keep your weed
pulling to a minimum. Rows and rows of beautiful veggies and flowers are the
end game no weeds.
Within each type of garden, vertical growing can
be utilized. By using cattle panels to create arches for food to grow upwards
or to train your tomatoes and peas towards the sun. But did you know there is
another type of vertical gardening, tower gardens. These tall towers grow food
through a mix of hydroponics and heights. Small cutouts are placed on the side
of the large tube where the plants will be placed. Their root system will live
in a solution instead of dirt. No weeds should be growing here. Anything you
can grow in the ground can grow in these towers. It’s expensive to get started
but could be a solution for those who do not have a lot of space or time but
still want healthy, homegrown food to eat.
There is so much satisfaction to growing and
eating food you put the hard work in to produce. Reward yourself by starting to
plan now with your new garden space and start preparing your garden for spring