Friday, November 12, 2021

Season of Giving Thanks


  For many of us, 2020 was a very difficult year.  Which led into 2021, which has gotten better but still has not made a full recovery for many businesses, individuals or families.  With that lack of improvement brings the challenge of being thankful for what one does have.  The  struggle to find the good from within the bad, can be problematic for many.  But I find that using our experience can help teach the future generations to look for the good and turn lemon into lemon aid will only benefit the next generation even more.  Lead by experience and they will learn to emulate that plan in life to choose to be grateful for what they have rather than resent what they don't have.  

    So how do you find ways to give thanks for that which you have?  We are grateful for those guests who have traveled this past year and gotten out to see friends and family or just taken the time to get away and chose to stay with us.  

    We are grateful that our family in Texas has stayed healthy and virus free through this hard time.  We may have been overly caution through the past months but it has allowed us to watch out for and keep safe our most vulnerable family members. 

    We are thankful for being able to see our friends and family over the past few months.  Some longer visits than others but thankful all the same.  

    Our hope is that you are able to be Thankful for the many blessings that you have experienced and share that with those around you.  Our lives are ours to celebrate and we can only make them better by seeing the good around us.

    We hope to see you this holiday season so that we can share our Thanks with you.

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