Thursday, August 22, 2024

In the Garden ~ Planting for Fall


Schools back in session and time is short, and it might seem a little early to be thinking about a fall garden, with the temperature still in the 100’s or high 90’s but it’s better to start planning now.  As gardeners in Texas, we are blessed with a longer growing season that our counterparts in the Northern part of the States.  We can almost have a garden year-round, if we have a green house or means of covering our crop to ward off the frost.  We do not have to worry about frost for many more weeks, so let’s start to plan our fall garden and  what we want to grow.


We like to start some seeds inside and directly sow others for our fall growing season.  We will even try to plant some squash plants that should yield some fruit in the fall that are not traditionally planted at that time.  Of course, we will start crowd favorites such as butternut squash and spaghetti squash, as well as at least a plant or two of zucchini or yellow squash.  Hopefully we have taken care of those pesky squash bugs, and we have a better fall with our squash plants. 


In order to start our fall garden, we have to get it ready for planting.   I like to make sure our beds are clean and then add a fresh layer of compost for the best results.  Nothing saps the nutrients out of a garden like plants do.  The vegetables you planted before take a lot of the amendments from the soil that you placed in the spring, so it’s a good rule of thumb to add some good nutrition back into the soil for a better harvest.  Compost, ground eggshells, banana juice or coffee grounds are all good choices, depending on what you are looking to grow.  Clear your beds out and mix well, before planting.  I like to let my compost sit for a few days in the fall before planting with a couple of days of good watering to help develop the nutrition level of the soil. 


Water is still really important for your fall garden, especially since it’s still pretty hot out and the sun and soil temperature are sure to dry out your garden faster.  You can help prevent the loss of moisture by providing a layer of mulch around your plants.  That will help to retain moisture and grow your best produce. 


What should you plant this fall?  Fall is a great time to plant all your greens.  Especially Asian greens such as Bok Choy, Pac Choy, and Napa.  We also plant Kale, Spinach and Broccoli in the fall garden.  Arugula and Snow Peas are great additions as well, since they all like the cooler weather and will produce longer.  This year I think I’m going to give Carrots a try as well as Beets.  My family enjoys fresh grown Beets, and we have in the past planted a few different varieties that taste amazing.  Carrots in Texas I feel are a challenge but the reward is well worth the challenge. 


For herbs we will plant cilantro again, since it most definitely is a cool weather herb.  As well as Parsley.  Our Parsley that is still hanging on from the Spring is looking a little rough but I think if I can keep it going and add some friends, we could have a great harvest to dry and make new fresh herbs with. 


Do not let the summer heat keep you out of the garden.  Instead dive back in and clean out your beds and get them ready for the fall.  Nothing is better than cutting fresh greens for a salad or stir fry for lunch or dinner.  Plus, I’m really looking forward to filling my herb jars for cooking with fresh, dried herbs from our home garden.  Start your seeds early and enjoy a bountiful harvest in the fall.

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