June is looking like it’s going to be filled with lots of great family activities. The city has started family movie nights on Friday and the Celebration market every Saturday night.
Of course the Hopkins County Dairy Festival will kick off this month with two weeks of amazing activities. But before the Dairy Festival kicks off there are few things going.June 3 - Ms. Hopkins County pageant
NETX dressage show all day at the Hopkins County Civic Center
Every Friday night the city will host a family movie night on the square 8pm. Bring your lawn chairs and family for wholesome entertainment.
Every Saturday night the Celebration Market will be start at 5pm. Come out and support local vendors and listen to local bands perform on the square.
June 10 kicks off the Dairy Festival excitement. The first event up will be:
June 10 - hot air balloon rally and glow - 6pm
Community players present - "Trifles" 7pm and 2 pm June 10-12 and June 17-19
June 10-11
Hunt county Horse association will have their monthly show at the Civic Center. Be sure to stop by and to see those talented riders at work.
Danna's and the Buffalo Girls will be hosting a summer market at the Civic Center, right alongside all the Dairy Festival activities.
June 11 - has all day fun, starting with the hot air balloons launching at 6 am
Dairy show & parade 10 am
Dial club “Cow patty” bingo 2 pm
Milking contest 3 pm
Hot air balloon rally 6pm
June 13 - VR social moon telescope view 8:30 pm
June 15-18 - Dairy festival Carnival - out at the Hopkins County Civic center.
June 16 - VR social glow bicycle ride 8:15 pm
June 16-18- Lone Star Beefmasters, at the Civic Center
June 18 - Juneteenth celebration 8 am - 10pm Pacific Park
June 16 - VR social glow bicycle ride 8:15 pm
June 16-18- Lone Star Beefmasters, at the Civic Center
June 18 - Juneteenth celebration 8 am - 10pm Pacific Park
Dairy Festival pageant will be held at 7pm at the High School auditorium.
June 25 - hill productions - roping
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